course, despite all efforts, Tekna do not operate in a vacuum. Of course, trying to hide the kniejach and dąbrowach, but always - closer to or farther, is there any human settlement. Residents this settlement (or settlements) will sooner or later they will find out about the event. The first, or how well it goes this is just the second day, usually they journey to single copies of local, or, if you will, "had the Lockers." Then it's a few people groups, and even then it's the whole family from grandmothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brood, żulami, youth and the younger a bit older - in a word, everyone.

tipsy course is a classic (it's probably too mild term) gentlemen around fifty.

Then there are our dear cops. Typically walk in circles, sometimes someone przepytają whether przeszukają - one word rather interfere.

Most had the Lockers is friendly accommodating. For them, this extraordinary event, perhaps the only tekno in their lives. Nobody do not really know what this all cages, but from conversations with them shows that in general they like. Sure they look at it as a circus or something like that. In total, some it just looks so tired that no animals, no woman with a beard and there are no big tent - all the rest are more or less agrees.

What more enterprising individuals are able to look at all the cool look and quickly noticed a pretty good market. Cold beer in cans is often more practical than the cast, and usually no papierochy - highly sought after commodity often lacking in tekbarach. I've often had the impression that another two days, and even local prejęliby entire bibę including SSami.

Tractor - a good thing in such situations. But there is nothing for free, or for the smile. Hard rules allow capitalism - in the absence of competition - the draw to take the car 20 Polish zlotys. Until a person in such moments, wondering whether the owner of the tractor itself is not nawiózł earlier in the sands ->

Here they have roughly the case with this truck. I wonder how much they gave for the draw. In any event coincided with a whole village to popatrzyć. I know that bad pictures, but he was busy "gapiowaniem.

course, not since yesterday, it is known that the dysce majtach pawing at a good hype ->
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