!!!:) Thank you so much Silvia

- thank who gave it to you and and put a link to your blog.
- Set 7 things about me.
- Giving the award to 10 other bloggers.
Things about me:
to see where I begin ....
1. I love the cold, winter and rainy days, storms and wind. It makes me feel alive, summer heat and numb me and me off of everything.
2. Without music I am not anyone. I have to do everything with music. And my favorite band is (as you can see by the photo blog) ^ ^ Evanescence (if you have curiosity about my musical tastes http://www.lastfm.es/user/saritahyvero look xD)
3. I love to draw, since I have use of reason and ability to move a pencil and I want to improve (the bad thing is that I have time ...)
4. I love sweets, whether candies, cookies, pies, I do not have anything as sugar and above all ... I love the chocolate over everything xD
5. I'm crazy, well, animals
6. I'm very, very shy and very suspicious.
7. I love mythology and night and therefore all the elements that have to do with estas dos cosas.
Y ahora a repartir premios!!
1. A Silvia, ya se que tu me lo has dado pero tu me comentas siempre y tus dos blogs son una pasada^^ http://clarodelunatextos.blogspot.com/
2. A white_demon porque sus historias dejan con las ansias de seguir leyendo para saber como seguirá http://nana-demon.blogspot.com/
3. A Darkness, porque simplemente me encanta su blog, asi de facil http://silver-darkness.blogspot.com/
4. A Teufel (no me olvido de ti) http://teufel-chan.blogspot.com/
5. A kelly, porque me comenta bastante y me empieza a enganchar su nuevo historia http://tecontaremosuncuento.blogspot.com/
Los 5 que me quedan son para todos aquellos que me seguis silent and do you do that I keep doing illusion publish my text here ^ ^ you deserve it all!
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