Sunday, December 6, 2009

White Spot With Red Ring On Skin

Recipe for Christmas dumplings with mushroom ravioli recipe

These dumplings, which once a year on Christmas Eve call their own contribution to the work and there is no way to buy ready-made dumplings anywhere.
in every house is a little different habits, so I invite you to comment on this post, to exchange experiences.
At my house goes like this:
Ingredients for the cake on Christmas Eve dumplings with mushrooms:
1920-1925 grams of wheat flour, 1 egg
1 / 3 cup water,
salt, 2 grams fat

Ingredients for the filling for the Christmas dumplings with mushrooms:
1 / 2 pounds sauerkraut best, it can also be sweet cabbage or half and half sweet and sour,
3 handfuls of dried mushrooms (boletus and best podgrzybki)
2 onions,
2-3 tablespoons breadcrumbs, 2 tablespoons butter
salt and pepper.

How to make a cake for Christmas pies?
Sift the flour through a strainer, leaving some flour for dusting. The poppies do mound and at its center hole. Pour the egg, add a pinch of salt and knead with your hands, and water with water and sprinkle with flour if dough is too kleiło to the ground. Knead to form a single elastic dough, which can roll out thinly.
place where the dough will sprinkle lightly with flour and dough roller rolls in all directions until the creation of a large thin cake. If the dough is more there will be some thin pancakes. The dough punched round shapes, preferably a large glass or cup with thin edges. At the center of each disc we put the stuffing and sticking carefully. The dough should not be too hard opruszone flour, because it will not kleiło.

How to prepare for the Christmas stuffing dumplings and mushrooms?
Boil cabbage until soft in a little water to cabbage does not lose its sour taste. Separately boil
previously soaked dried mushrooms.
fry in a frying pan for gold finely chopped onion in butter.
cabbage and mushrooms in food processor to grind meat, imprinted in the hands of excess fluid and we put the onions in the pan. Fry, you're still filling is too thin add the bread crumbs. Stirring create a homogeneous mass. Stuffing is ready.

stuffing, fill the dough circles and pushed onto the linen cloth.
Dumplings boil in salted throwing. boiling water. Cook 3 minutes after departure of dumplings on the surface. Do not put too many dumplings at once, so as not to stick together with each other, poorly, to not adhere to the bottom of the pot.
slotted spoon remove the cooked, lined on plates and pour the oil, so as not to stick together. Thus prepared dumplings can be frozen and warmed in a pan or boiling in water immediately before eating. Check

even a recipe for ravioli with mushrooms for Christmas borscht.

A nutritional value of mushrooms verify here.

How to make yourself attractive and inexpensive gift look here.

Is Sushi Bad For Heartburn

mushrooms to the soup on Christmas Eve

Stuffing Ingredients:
10 grams of dried mushrooms,
20 grams onions, 2 tablespoons of oil
salt, pepper

Dough Ingredients:
50 dag flour,
1-2 eggs, 1 tablespoon oil
2 cooked potatoes.

How do I prepare the stuffing the ears?
cooked mushrooms in a food processor mince, chopped onion, brown it in oil, add the mushrooms to the onions, season to taste with salt and pepper, place dried mushrooms can be used fresh or frozen cock.

How to prepare cake?
sifted flour to add crushed potato, oil, eggs, a little water. How to knead dough for pasta, with a relatively loose texture. Then roll the dough thin, trim a small squares. Put a small teaspoon of filling on center of square, exactly agglutinate winding two horns to the center so as to form a dam.

ears ready to throw in boiling, salted water for pasta like.
Boil a few minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon, put on a plate and pour the oil, so as not to stick together.

Recipe for Christmas dumplings with mushrooms, read here.

The nutrition of fungi read here.

How to make yourself attractive and affordable gift to read here.

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Mushrooms Wigilę + dumplings on the nutritional value or value in weight loss?

Nutrition mushrooms can be compared to the value of vegetables, because they contain approximately 90% water. It is for this reason, low in calories.
Among the most important nutrient is protein-ca. 2-4%
It is for this reason, once called the meat plant fungi. The studies demonstrated, however, that this protein is defective and is only 2 / 3 all nitrogen compounds fungi. The residue is often called grzybniakiem is not digested by the human digestive system, also hinders the absorption of other constituents of food eaten along with the mushrooms. Strawialność fungal components is estimated at 60-70%
Other nutrients of mushrooms, a small amount of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron and other minerals in trace amounts, such as zinc, copper, fluorine, arsenic, manganese. The percentage of individual components fungi largely depends on the soil in which they grow.
It is believed that mushrooms are rich in vitamin B and PP. Other vitamins are present in trace amounts, it is mainly vitamin D. It is interesting that in balls and rydzach there are some amount of provitamin A carotenoids which
The hats of fungi is more components than in the stems of mushrooms, where there is a lot nietrawionego mycetoma . Maybe that's why many throws mushroom stems of mushrooms.
This generally low nutritional value of mushrooms is reduced even in processing, because fungi are not considered to be a good source of ingredients nutrients.
addition, fungi are hard to digest, so you should not eat them too much.
undeniable value of mushrooms is the taste and aroma of this very useful in many dishes: soups, sauces, dumplings on Christmas Eve, uszkach to the soup, nadzieniu to kibble ... So do not be afraid
that due to fungi utyjemy on Christmas. We can be contracted more than indigestion. Then you can enjoy a glass of prepared in May nutcracker.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

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Saint Barbara - the Kashubian legend

History has it that St. Barbara was the daughter of a wealthy merchant pagan Dioscura of Nikodemii in Asia Minor. Reportedly killed by the sword on 4 December AD 300
Her great devotion from an early age greatly displeased with her father. Thus, if the adult age girls brought it to the governor that this Marcian dissuaded her from the faith and urged to marry a Gentile, whose father chose her husband. Barbara did not give up their faith, which so enraged his father that drew his sword and killed her daughter by cutting head in anger. For this terrible murder on the site was struck by lightning. Barbara was buried in Nikodemii. After years of her head, as relics taken to Rome, where he rested safely for many years. People
midnight decided to snatch her guile and take the territories of today's Sweden. However, when his ship sailed violent storm threw them on the shore of the Kashubian Pomeranian. At that time
right in Kashubia, gave ownership of Pomeranian Duke, anything that rolls on the sea shore. Holy relics of such law. Barbara got up in his hands. As soon as the relics were taken from ship, a very strong wind blew and the ship was on the far waters of the Baltic. Pomeranian Prince
treasure guarded by storing it in various fortified castles in Kashubia. The best kept secret was St. Barbara castle in Sartowicach. The Prince was there, his trusted guardian, who guarded the secret chamber in which the chest was made up of relics. One day the guardian of the church appeared. Barbara. It was the night of 3 to 4 December 1242 year. Barbara guardian said he wants to go to church to church to Chelmno. Barbara Warden tried to drive from this idea. In vain. Suddenly we heard the sounds of battle. At night, the castle was attacked by the Teutonic Knights under the command of Dietrich von Bernsheima. They dominated the castle without much problem. Killed almost the entire crew, who was surprised in his sleep. Only the few who managed to jump off the walls, survived. It is up to them Świętopełek Prince learns of his loss. Crusaders no problem they came into the secret chamber and took the relics of St. Barbara. The guard, seeing that it will protect the relics, said Knights Commander of the church itself. Barbara yes wanted. Dietrich request immediately met St. Barbara. He took the relics to Chelmno and there celebrated in honor of the church. Barbara solemn procession and mass. It was exactly 4 December. Then for safety
relics kept in the fortress Starogród, where he quickly became the object of worship of many pilgrims. It was issued in a niche of the castle church, so they could watch her pious pilgrims. Many of them have experienced the miraculous power and healing. Over time, the Holy. Barbara was the patron saint of the land. Her prayers were built in all the needs of residents. Especially in periods of drought. During the wars
relics were transported to Malbork. In 1457 Prussian Towns Association decided to move the relics of St. Barbara of St. Mary's Church in Gdansk. The place where the fort stood a great oak tree grew Starogród, which was carved the image of St. Barbara. This oak was revered by local people. Let cac let the oak itself became the subject of worship Bishop Tiedemann Ghiese had it cut, burn and scatter the ashes in the air. At this point it is today, a small chapel with a painting of St.. Barbara. Likewise, one of the aisles in the church named after St. Chelmno. Barbara.
legend based on the book by Roman Apollinaris Reglińskiego Legends Test category ed. Region Gdynia 2002

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

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What Cranberry Mud or Klukwa Kashubia

Żurawin Where to look?
urbanites say the bazarku? I do not know. Increasingly, urbanites know that they need to go into the forest in autumn, where dominated by swamp plants. A lot of cranberries is growing in Russia, Siberia, in eastern Asia and eastern Europe. Must be able to spot your cranberries, are small, creeping bushes. They have a small oblong leaves with top of dark green and gray-green underneath. In winter, do not lose their leaves cranberry color. In most wetlands, you can get when you tighten cranberry frost. Cranberries are picked manually, you can collect not quite ripe (whitish), because it ripens easily spread on a flat surface of the sun access. However, most nutritional value are cranberries harvested as late as possible, even in early spring. Their distinctive thick skin protects them from breaking. Harvested cranberries can be stored in a raw at slightly above zero. If they start dry, they should be sprinkled with cool water to drink. You taught me that sells bulk cranberries.

Do cranberries have high nutritional value?

First Cranberry contains a similar amount of natural vitamin C as a lemon. In addition, contains a lot of pectin, which ensure good compaction and gelled jellies. In addition, they contain fiber so necessary to the proper digestion. 100g cranberries provides 53 kcal of energy, a bit of vegetable oils and carbohydrates. The micro and macro can be found in cranberries iron calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, vitamin. A, B, B1, B2, PP.
It is interesting that cranberries contain many organic acids: citric, quinic, benzoic acid (a natural preservative). Berries, cranberries also contain flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols and anthocyanins. Cranberry fruit are classified as medicinal plants. Cranberry drink quenches thirst and refreshing. Drinking cranberry juice prevents glaucoma. Cranberry strengthens immunity, prevents free radicals, helps digestion, positive effect on the intestines, stimulates the pancreas helps - people with diabetes. It helps combat high blood pressure.

Does cranberry treats kidney?

very fashionable today are different pharmaceutical preparations with cranberries recommended for kidney stones urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence. Indeed, cranberries have the ability to counteract inflammation and is a diuretic and cleansing, but you must drink it in juice form in large quantities. Before you buy the capsules at the pharmacy check carefully how much is in cranberries and cranberry compare prices. the most valuable component of the kidney is ascorbic acid or vitamin. C
Does cranberry weight loss?

Oh yes, it is necessary to conduct the leaching fat diet. It is used in the form of unsweetened drink drunk every day about 1.5 liters.

cranberries to the meat!

I am doing for my winter delicious cranberries to the meat in small jars. Rozgotowuje stoned and peeled pears, and sometimes adds a bit of apples, sweetened a little. Adds to this overcooked and sawn cranberries through a sieve so hard skins do not interfere with the chicken meat delektowaniu which give cranberries. I love them also ham sandwiches. Most of the roast pork at home.

tincture of cranberries!
This is a very interesting wine.

ingredients can be mixed in various proportions, depending on taste preferences. Whole fruit, brandy, spirits (with only one source), sugar. To taste vanilla pod and possibly cinnamon. Przemrożoną cranberry blend to crush the crust. With sugar, leave for a week, so that sugar could dissolve. Add vanilla in pieces. After two weeks Pour vodka and set aside for the next 2 weeks. Then a small amount of cinnamon spice, strain that was a clear liquid and pour into bottles. A well-prepared so that the tincture stood 5-6 months. Become an interesting taste.

tincture How to make extra Christmas gift look here.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

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Souls - the secrets of Stone Rings Fungi Kashubia

Do you know a place where ancestral spirits still unknown tribes defend their secrets? Welcome to zaduszkową trip.
Secret burial place shrouded in mystery, mixed history the legend, the historical distortions of history in the power of superhuman enchanted stones - it's all here in Kashubia. Strange stone circles found in the vicinity of Grzybnicy, Forest, in Odry, Piasznie, Many, Buszkowach, Trątkowicach and Wesiory . Forests in Kashubia conceal the secret places of power located in the Circles of Stone - unless the only visible prehistoric monuments for the layman. Kashubs say that the stones were spellbound różbych heroes of history that are buried under the stones of wealth ... The arrangement of stones can discern the dependence of the astral calendar.
Will Stone circles aliens ordered people to do?
That did not really know. Dowsers studying circles claim that arose 4000 years ago. Scientific studies have confirmed the archaeologists on the 1st century BC when the areas inhabited by Pomeranians (roots of the Lusatian culture) came the Goths (Germanic tribes).
Although undoubtedly circles are a place of burial, it was more ready for a place that is Ting held rallies and meetings of a religious nature. In Sweden, the cemetery is called tingstade. The Norwegian word tongplasser has the same meaning. Tips on hiking, you can search for Goths a treatise on the origins and premises of the Germans, Tacitus (II and III century BC writer Jordanes and relations from the mid-sixth century, which points to the Scandinavian peninsula as a place from which they came to our guests. Goths worship the god of war Mars, made him the sacrifice of prisoners. Victims of such filed Vikings still in the twelfth century AD The vertebrae were situated near the village, the river, because the river odmierzała magical time of life. The dead were transported to the other side and burned the boat, he could not return to the living.

Why stones arranged have been in circles?
Goths had used August other than the modern calendar. The year was divided into winter and summer seasons. Number of stones in the circles correspond to 18 months after completing the 20 -23 years 365 days. Similarly, in England in Avenbuer and Stonehenge and the Aztecs in Mexico. Until the late second century AD, writes Professor. Tadeusz Grabarczyk were a place of assembly. Burials from the later periods. important ritual was a dance that allowed the move in a different state of consciousness, trance, tune into the fight. The circles and healing takes place. So were his divine power. Finally, we should also say that the circles were a sort of astronomical observatory. Made the first measurements of Poznan astronim Paul Stephan. Charted on a map and directions of the wheel area of \u200b\u200bthe world. In his opinion circles were something of a clock.

Is Enchanted energy within the stone circles in Kashubia?
His research stone circles in Kashubia led the dowsers. They found that the setting of stones is part of a divining logic. Also suggest that, especially in the vertebrae and Wesiory Odry characterized by a high accumulation of energy. The distribution of vertebral Odry indicates the presence of energy bands gold and platinum. It is safe for humans and animals. Dowsers say about the shape of the radiation, the different colors of circles and the concentration of energy at or above the central stone circle. The vertebrae form a circle of the visible and invisible electromagnetic waves. According radiesthesia the stone circles in Odry pass lines connecting all the circles of Geomatics in the earth.
theory with a special energy in the stone circles in Odry confirmed esoteric Leszek Matela, claiming that the site has increased radiation. Apparently, according to. Bovis scale of body physical energy emanates not exceeding 10,000 and Odry radiation is 120 units. In turn, the radiation level deemed to be 50,000 ... divine.
Is Kashubia stone circles are written in the stars? Apparently
stone circles in Odry reflect the constellation Taurus Hiad. The stone circles in Wesiory reflect constellation Pleiades. Reflection of the two clusters of stars is a mirror image.
Swiss author Daniken was associated stone circles, among others. of Stonehenge with aliens, I like the Egyptian pyramids and Mayan temples.
Health enchanted in the stones - true or false?
According to one theory, there are stones, living and dead. Reportedly, the construction of stone circles guests only use these live, or with good energy. Besides the Oder are considered to be one of the chakras of the Earth. where the energy is concentrated there, the ground force EALTH human can benefit a lot. By Leszek Mandela is the remnant of the megalithic circles of religion. Its followers worship the Great Mother Goddess and ancestors. The circles were used so the shamanistic practices because they had the perfect shape of circles, figure to protect against bad energy. The most important Odry is the largest circle. This emits a blue circle of power. Conducive to meditation and relaxation. Apparently it can regain or even health.
Information taken from stories and books Kashubians Alice and Sophia Breske and Jaroslaw Ellwart "Stone circles Goths"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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Kashubia. Opieńki - handy atlas of fungi. Fungi Kashubia

Opieńki mushrooms are mostly around the trunks of old fallen trees as a parasite. Kashubia is little opieniek. They are strictly a slightly bitter taste, are brittle and rather dark in color. Opieńki are edible as long as piss water that cooking is not the first mistake and from opieniek nnymi inedible mushrooms growing around the trunks of old trees. There are many species of these fungi. These are poisonous hats and bright greenish gills under the cap.
Opieńki fungus is difficult to collect because it can easily confuse it with mushroom poisoning. If you do not know well opieniek not reap them.

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ba. Miodaki - podręczy Fungi.

Miodaki is a kind of mushroom. Kashubia treated like common fungi. They are often larger than the mushrooms, they grow in large groups. Miodaki have a distinctive honey-bit color, a simple hat and straight shank.
hard to confuse them with other mushrooms. Have one drawback - the cooking water to black coloration, so it must be cast and, God forbid, do not cook the marinated mushrooms with other bright, because everything is color. Miodaki are good for drying, pickling and stewing.

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Fungi Kashubia. Rabbit-podręczy

hare, type podgrzybka, although somewhat different from him. Rabbits have a hat like suede, even in the rain, it can be felt, the hat color is usually clear, oliwkowożółty to greyish brown oliwkowozielonawy or rarely slightly reddish. Bunnies under the cap to mesh with larger pores than podgrzybki.

Bunnies are just as tasty as podgrzybki. Bunnies are suitable for stewing, pickling and drying.

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Fungi Fungi Kashubia. Hen - chanterelle - handy atlas of fungi.

Hen (chanterelle), ie chantarelle, perhaps best known for the fungus in the Polish forests, easy to collect, often grow in groups, where the giftbox one tap, just search for the second, third ... Chanterelles are rarely worm. Pam iętaj not to be confused with a slightly different cocks so. fake cock, which is unpalatable and inedible. This is clearly false thinner core, thinner and darker, orange gills under the cap, is usually small. A real cock is hard, but brittle, has a thicker stem, often finely developed hat. Cantharellus name indicates a slightly sharp taste. Hen is a genius of world food najpyszniejszych:
- wild mushrooms in a creamy sauce - lightly fried with some onions and sour cream mixed with flour flooded pychota,
- wild mushrooms in a dish of Italian-blanched, fried in olive oil in a pan with dried tomatoes in olive e, lightly salted and sprinkled with dried basil, to the kidnapped Italian arugula, and pasta cooked AlDente - large shells - pychota,
- scrambled eggs with mushrooms lightly salted and with a little pepper,
- noodles with mushroom sauce and cabbage - ordinary noodles with cabbage mixed with mushrooms in cream - miracle, you can not stop eating.
Bon Appetit, although mushrooms as we know do not have many nutrients and are hard to digest. But the attention-fungi require a lot of energy to digest them. Mushrooms slimming?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

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Fungi Kashubia. Kozak - a practical Fungi.

Boots is also very popular and easy to collect mushrooms. I really like to collect them grow normally clear the forest of birch, among silver gray moss, usually you can see them quite well, they are large so fast their p rzybywa in your cart.
These fungi have many different names: Cossack, Koźlak, kożlarz, brzozak, brzeziniak, maybe even more. On my pictures show the different fungi growing in Kashubia boots. There are other fungi boots, which I do not have pictures.
As you can see, the Cossack is usually quite a fungus, especially an adult individual, has a rather large hat covered with chamois skin gently, under a hat m a cylindrical soft flesh-colored light gray. The core of the Cossack is very characteristic, which makes it easy to distinguish from podgrzybka Cossack. The core of the Cossack is slender, Grey white with darker centkami. The core is hard, even when the fungus is wormy. Many mushroom only collects hats, boots, because the ranges of these fungi, even after cooking are hard, suczony Cossack, it is hard. However, it is marinated exc onały, then lightly felt his hardness is approximately
Kozak is suitable for all will continue to mushroom, for stewing, pickling, drying. However, it is known that water stains in black as in the case miodaków be boiled after the first pour water fungi. Dried boots also do black, but that does not compromise the taste of these mushrooms.