Fungi Fungi Kashubia. Hen - chanterelle - handy atlas of fungi. Hen (chanterelle), ie chantarelle, perhaps best known for the fungus in the Polish forests, easy to collect, often grow in groups, where the
giftbox one tap, just search for the second, third ... Chanterelles are rarely worm. Pam
iętaj not to be confused with a slightly different cocks so. fake cock, which is unpalatable and inedible. This is clearly false thinner core, thinner and darker, orange gills under the cap, is usually small. A real cock is hard, but brittle, has a thicker stem, often finely developed hat. Cantharellus name indicates a slightly sharp taste. Hen is a genius of world food najpyszniejszych:
- wild mushrooms in a creamy sauce - lightly fried with some onions and sour cream mixed with flour flooded pychota,
- wild mushrooms in a dish of Italian-blanched, fried in olive oil in a pan with dried tomatoes in olive
e, lightly salted and sprinkled with dried basil, to the kidnapped Italian arugula, and pasta cooked AlDente - large shells - pychota,
- scrambled eggs with mushrooms lightly salted and with a little pepper,
- noodles with mushroom sauce and cabbage - ordinary noodles with cabbage mixed with mushrooms in cream - miracle, you can not stop eating.
Bon Appetit, although
mushrooms as we know do not have many nutrients and are hard to digest. But the attention-fungi require a lot of energy to digest them. Mushrooms slimming?
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