urbanites say the bazarku? I do not know. Increasingly, urbanites know that they need to go into the forest in autumn, where dominated by swamp plants. A lot of cranberries is growing in Russia, Siberia, in eastern Asia and eastern Europe. Must be able to spot your cranberries, are small, creeping bushes. They have a small oblong leaves with top of dark green and gray-green underneath. In winter, do not lose their leaves cranberry color. In most wetlands, you can get when you tighten cranberry frost. Cranberries are picked manually, you can collect not quite ripe (whitish), because it ripens easily spread on a flat surface of the sun access. However, most nutritional value are cranberries harvested as late as possible, even in early spring. Their distinctive thick skin protects them from breaking. Harvested cranberries can be stored in a raw at slightly above zero. If they start dry, they should be sprinkled with cool water to drink. You taught me that sells bulk cranberries.
First Cranberry contains a similar amount of natural vitamin C as a lemon. In addition, contains a lot of pectin, which ensure good compaction and gelled jellies. In addition, they contain fiber so necessary to the proper digestion. 100g cranberries provides 53 kcal of energy, a bit of vegetable oils and carbohydrates. The micro and macro can be found in cranberries iron calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, vitamin. A, B, B1, B2, PP.
It is interesting that cranberries contain many organic acids: citric, quinic, benzoic acid (a natural preservative). Berries, cranberries also contain flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols and anthocyanins. Cranberry fruit are classified as medicinal plants. Cranberry drink quenches thirst and refreshing. Drinking cranberry juice prevents glaucoma. Cranberry strengthens immunity, prevents free radicals, helps digestion, positive effect on the intestines, stimulates the pancreas helps - people with diabetes. It helps combat high blood pressure.
very fashionable today are different pharmaceutical preparations with cranberries recommended for kidney stones urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence. Indeed, cranberries have the ability to counteract inflammation and is a diuretic and cleansing, but you must drink it in juice form in large quantities. Before you buy the capsules at the pharmacy check carefully how much is in cranberries and cranberry compare prices. the most valuable component of the kidney is ascorbic acid or vitamin. C
Oh yes, it is necessary to conduct the leaching fat diet. It is used in the form of unsweetened drink drunk every day about 1.5 liters.
cranberries to the meat!
I am doing for my winter delicious cranberries to the meat in small jars. Rozgotowuje stoned and peeled pears, and sometimes adds a bit of apples, sweetened a little. Adds to this overcooked and sawn cranberries through a sieve so hard skins do not interfere with the chicken meat delektowaniu which give cranberries. I love them also ham sandwiches. Most of the roast pork at home.
tincture of cranberries!
This is a very interesting wine.
ingredients can be mixed in various proportions, depending on taste preferences. Whole fruit, brandy, spirits (with only one source), sugar. To taste vanilla pod and possibly cinnamon. Przemrożoną cranberry blend to crush the crust. With sugar, leave for a week, so that sugar could dissolve. Add vanilla in pieces. After two weeks Pour vodka and set aside for the next 2 weeks. Then a small amount of cinnamon spice, strain that was a clear liquid and pour into bottles. A well-prepared so that the tincture stood 5-6 months. Become an interesting taste.
tincture How to make extra Christmas gift look here.
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