Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Is There Way To Get Cubefield On The Itouch

Mis3u-Andromedax 0 1

Played in the 9th round of, time: 90 min+5s

A very exciting game, I lost it in part due to being badly organized in the off-the board real world- during the game I realized I had to leave home sooner than I had originally thought, when scheduling the game, with the 90m+5s time format I was likely to be late if we played a long game, this was partly a reason for the 22.Nf6 sacrifice- I started to rush and hoped to launch a quick sacrificial attack on the kingside- and it turned out to be a deciding moment in the game- in my analysis I missed the f6 pawn falling. Instead 22.Qe3, Increasing pressure on black's pawn h6 was a much stronger continuation. Until That point I am very satisfied with my position, Especially considering the fact That my opponent was rated over 300 points more Than me. In the end to match my schedule Obligations I had to call a taxi Immediately after the game, INSTEAD OF taking the subway.

very exciting party, lost partly through my pozaszachowe-sleaze in the game I realized that I have to go out earlier than I thought, when it set the start time for the party-party at the time of 90min at the beginning of each player for 5 seconds for every move, if there would be a long party, I shall come forth from the house for late-Partially This was the reason for the Knight sacrifice on f6 traffic in 22-bit I started to rush and hoped to overcome barriers to pieces near the king, by this attack, sacrifice-it turned out that it was a moment in the game, which decided on its result-including in my analysis I missed the pawn on f6 in the 1925 movement. Instead of jumping on a horse in 22 f6 traffic should the prince was to go to e3, reinforcing the attack on the black pawn on h6. Up until this point, I was very pleased with the marketing of the game and from my position, especially considering the fact that my opponent had a ranking of more than 300 points higher than me. And after the party had to immediately call the taxi, instead of taking the metro to catch.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Epsom Salt And Urine Smell

And His Time Mis3u 0:1

Played in the semifinal cup, July 11th, 2007
Time: 90m+5s