Secret burial place shrouded in mystery, mixed history the legend, the historical distortions of history in the power of superhuman enchanted stones - it's all here in Kashubia. Strange stone circles found in the vicinity of Grzybnicy, Forest, in Odry, Piasznie, Many, Buszkowach, Trątkowicach and Wesiory . Forests in Kashubia conceal the secret places of power located in the Circles of Stone - unless the only visible prehistoric monuments for the layman. Kashubs say that the stones were spellbound różbych heroes of history that are buried under the stones of wealth ... The arrangement of stones can discern the dependence of the astral calendar.
That did not really know. Dowsers studying circles claim that arose 4000 years ago. Scientific studies have confirmed the archaeologists on the 1st century BC when the areas inhabited by Pomeranians (roots of the Lusatian culture) came the Goths (Germanic tribes).
Although undoubtedly circles are a place of burial, it was more ready for a place that is Ting held rallies and meetings of a religious nature. In Sweden, the cemetery is called tingstade. The Norwegian word tongplasser has the same meaning. Tips on hiking, you can search for Goths a treatise on the origins and premises of the Germans, Tacitus (II and III century BC writer Jordanes and relations from the mid-sixth century, which points to the Scandinavian peninsula as a place from which they came to our guests. Goths worship the god of war Mars, made him the sacrifice of prisoners. Victims of such filed Vikings still in the twelfth century AD The vertebrae were situated near the village, the river, because the river odmierzała magical time of life. The dead were transported to the other side and burned the boat, he could not return to the living.
Goths had used August other than the modern calendar. The year was divided into winter and summer seasons. Number of stones in the circles correspond to 18 months after completing the 20 -23 years 365 days. Similarly, in England in Avenbuer and Stonehenge and the Aztecs in Mexico. Until the late second century AD, writes Professor. Tadeusz Grabarczyk were a place of assembly. Burials from the later periods. important ritual was a dance that allowed the move in a different state of consciousness, trance, tune into the fight. The circles and healing takes place. So were his divine power. Finally, we should also say that the circles were a sort of astronomical observatory. Made the first measurements of Poznan astronim Paul Stephan. Charted on a map and directions of the wheel area of \u200b\u200bthe world. In his opinion circles were something of a clock.
His research stone circles in Kashubia led the dowsers. They found that the setting of stones is part of a divining logic. Also suggest that, especially in the vertebrae and Wesiory Odry characterized by a high accumulation of energy. The distribution of vertebral Odry indicates the presence of energy bands gold and platinum. It is safe for humans and animals. Dowsers say about the shape of the radiation, the different colors of circles and the concentration of energy at or above the central stone circle. The vertebrae form a circle of the visible and invisible electromagnetic waves. According radiesthesia the stone circles in Odry pass lines connecting all the circles of Geomatics in the earth.
theory with a special energy in the stone circles in Odry confirmed esoteric Leszek Matela, claiming that the site has increased radiation. Apparently, according to. Bovis scale of body physical energy emanates not exceeding 10,000 and Odry radiation is 120 units. In turn, the radiation level deemed to be 50,000 ... divine.
stone circles in Odry reflect the constellation Taurus Hiad. The stone circles in Wesiory reflect constellation Pleiades. Reflection of the two clusters of stars is a mirror image.
Swiss author Daniken was associated stone circles, among others. of Stonehenge with aliens, I like the Egyptian pyramids and Mayan temples.
According to one theory, there are stones, living and dead. Reportedly, the construction of stone circles guests only use these live, or with good energy. Besides the Oder are considered to be one of the chakras of the Earth. where the energy is concentrated there, the ground force EALTH human can benefit a lot. By Leszek Mandela is the remnant of the megalithic circles of religion. Its followers worship the Great Mother Goddess and ancestors. The circles were used so the shamanistic practices because they had the perfect shape of circles, figure to protect against bad energy. The most important Odry is the largest circle. This emits a blue circle of power. Conducive to meditation and relaxation. Apparently it can regain or even health.
Information taken from stories and books Kashubians Alice and Sophia Breske and Jaroslaw Ellwart "Stone circles Goths"
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