looked out the window, flocks of crows to nowhere and there was less pedestrians on the streets. Tired of that damn dark space, smaller and quieter decided to go out and see what lay Beyond these streetlights and foggy streets. He looked up. Everything was gray, always in that gray hater. It was then, when the fog was upon him with all his weight. And instead of standing and not let that affect him are dropped. Oh no I just keep on falling. After a long while, his conscience began to show, shy, everything that had been hiding, all the fog trying to bring out. You made yourself a bed at the bottom of the blackest hole . But stubborn as a mule, decided that none of this was true, that was fantastic, just needed to leave the place which was now shocked and feel free and happy again. Walked and walked, all the while following the same direction, while, around the same bleak landscape: buildings and empty identical, a layer of thick fog that you could not see almost nothing, the same identical lamps leaving the same shadows and not a soul in the street. Be discouraged at every step and will power and desire to follow were replaced by the vacuum. This wasn't What you want, was it? Was it? had to admit, something was really wrong because that feeling was not normal.
What a shame we all Became Such Fragile Broken Things. What was I doing wrong? He blamed his malaise to the fact of being locked in the house dark, being alone and even the fog that enveloped everything and distorted but had always lived with that. He looked back up towards the sky that would not likely ever see. I had to accept it, the problem was not her surroundings. The problem was she. He had taken a fancy to get out, seeing other things, expand your horizons, meet people, find something that you would like to become obsessed with the search for a solution without understanding instead of accepting what he had and take all the possibilities that offered. He sighed. He had thrown up, now I just had to take that decision into practice, but it was harder than I thought. Power needed talking to someone. Having someone that was what he needed.

"Let's leave this all behind."
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