Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Old York Peppermint Patty Saying


Nie nękajcie mnie

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Vinyl Beadboard Bathroom Walls

Look son ... so it looks like: "And the Moon."

It is also an impression of Czaroteku 2009, invented and made in the course shortly after the event. Grrr ... I can not wait.

Ovary Infection Symtoms

Even Though I'm the sacrifice,
You Will not try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me, I'm all alone
Is not someone missing me? And

if I bleed, I'll bleed, Knowing you do not care
And if I sleep just to dream of you I'll wake without you

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cheerleader Feet Smell

usually do not explain those of its images, but I have to say enough that this is such an impression with Czaroteku 2009 ( part. 1 , part. 2 , part. 3, part. 4 , part. 5, part. 6, part. 7, part. 8). I throw now, because Czarotek 2011 already under his belt and I'm sitting on tenterhooks awaiting the "Good News".

Sunday, April 24, 2011

How Fast Can An Optimist Go?

Łommm the World Peace ...

Poptropica Hannah Montana Game

they say, once a month, the moon rises to the top with the desire to illuminate the whole extension of world with its soft light and match the sun. They say also, that in one of these attempts after a storm, a small crow perched on one of the highest branches of a tree, oblivious to the wishes of that white lady. The moon exert its best efforts to its light traverse the small animal that created shadows, just got out of his feathers flashing green and giving up, to let that animal so peaceful rest before continuing their journey.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Valve Adjustment On Baja Sc-125 Scooter

early spring came

"Spring came early to the parks and the ..."

PS: Dedicated to Frans ->

Satin Men Boxer Spleep

Lom Tom tararara

Another crowbar in a workshop ->

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dog Throwing Up Yellow Mucus

When they told me Would you go these ten days gave no importance.
arrived yesterday and I met face to face with your absence and the impossibility of seeing and despite that I should enjoy this holiday, I also know that if you amargare are not present in them because in the struggle between love and hate had just won the first sumiendome in the longing and desire to see you.
And maybe because I'm longing fastidar starts here, sitting, waiting for rain as you can imagine my side. Back
(to be like then)

I still press your letters to my lips (Wishing You Come Back Like That rainy day)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Until His Seventies Henri Lamothe

Herring - a mega dose of omega 3 Snowdrop

Track Easter - mega dose of essential fatty acid Omega 3 polyunsaturated

It is a traditional dish for Easter at my house!
Although sometimes we hear that the herring in oil, it can be administered only on Christmas Eve, my family always wants the Easter breakfast myself, among others. was herring in oil, and herring are not any. This must be necessarily Matyjas herring from the tray, and necessarily in linseed oil.
Linseed oil is the richest source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which benefits the heart, liver, brain, digestive system and every cell of our bodies can not be overstated, herring (fresh sea fish have them too).
- 80 grams Matyjas herring in the bay on a tray.
- about 100 ml of flaxseed oil omega 3 niskooksydacyjnego GOLDEN Linum (because only the flaxseed oil contains 60% omega 3, is niskooksydacyjny, or omega 3 fatty acids in the oil lnianym nie ulegają tak łatwo utlenianiu i jest bardzo smaczny w przeciwieństwie do zwykłego oleju lnianego).
- 2 - 3 cebule,
- świeży sok z cytryny,
- mielony pieprz.
Śledzie wyjmujemy z tacki odlewając zalewę. Przekładamy je do miski i zalewamy wodą na nie więcej niż 20 min. W tym czasie kroimy w kostkę cebulę.
Wymoczone śledzie kroimy na kawałki ok 2-3 cm układamy w słoiku , przekładamy cebulą, przyprawiamy każdą warstwę pieprzem i sokiem z cytryny. Każdą warstwę zalewamy olejem lnianym GOLDEN LINUM i lekko ugniatamy. Napełniony słoik odstawiamy do lodówki for several hours. Herrings go

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Canadian Airsoft Shop


This year, the snowdrops in bloom now Kashubia.

Snowdrop, snowdrop - Galanthus nivalis

grows in natural conditions in Central Europe. It grows sometimes on the edge of the forest or bush. The name comes from the Latin word gala - milk and anthos - flower. Poland the name comes from the fact that the vegetation of the plant begins very early, even in winter, hence the snowdrops are often protrude from the small piles of snow.
The growing need to provide a light, fertile, and above all limestone soil, and shady or semi-shaded miejsce.Nawozimy them in autumn and spring, or immediately after planting bulbs and blossom. Suitable compound fertilizers will be as close as the ratio of 6:12:18 (nitrogen - phosphorus - potassium). Bulbs are planted in September. In the rows every few inches, the spacing between rows Centimeters 1920-1925. The plant is resistant to frost, so mulching is not necessary, but useful. Digs in June after przeschnięciu leaves.
- Maximus - large flowers
- Flore Pleno - full of flowers

Friday, April 15, 2011

Watch Japanese Exploitation Films

Fly With a crowbar

Last fly with a crowbar through the city, so be careful not to let me meet. The more that the arsenal is still growing. Somehow lately so happens that, every month has a new crowbar, so be careful!

PS: It's just pictures of Loma called Split-Cam.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Armpits Are Burned

waiting for rain

looked out the window, flocks of crows to nowhere and there was less pedestrians on the streets. Tired of that damn dark space, smaller and quieter decided to go out and see what lay Beyond these streetlights and foggy streets. He looked up. Everything was gray, always in that gray hater. It was then, when the fog was upon him with all his weight. And instead of standing and not let that affect him are dropped. Oh no I just keep on falling. After a long while, his conscience began to show, shy, everything that had been hiding, all the fog trying to bring out. You made yourself a bed at the bottom of the blackest hole . But stubborn as a mule, decided that none of this was true, that was fantastic, just needed to leave the place which was now shocked and feel free and happy again. Walked and walked, all the while following the same direction, while, around the same bleak landscape: buildings and empty identical, a layer of thick fog that you could not see almost nothing, the same identical lamps leaving the same shadows and not a soul in the street. Be discouraged at every step and will power and desire to follow were replaced by the vacuum. This wasn't What you want, was it? Was it? had to admit, something was really wrong because that feeling was not normal.
What a shame we all Became Such Fragile Broken Things. What was I doing wrong? He blamed his malaise to the fact of being locked in the house dark, being alone and even the fog that enveloped everything and distorted but had always lived with that. He looked back up towards the sky that would not likely ever see. I had to accept it, the problem was not her surroundings. The problem was she. He had taken a fancy to get out, seeing other things, expand your horizons, meet people, find something that you would like to become obsessed with the search for a solution without understanding instead of accepting what he had and take all the possibilities that offered. He sighed. He had thrown up, now I just had to take that decision into practice, but it was harder than I thought. Power needed talking to someone. Having someone that was what he needed. hear a croak. Another flock of crows passed over his head. Moved away, to be engulfed by fog. All but one. One turned around and landed on his shoulder. I've been waiting for a miracle. Not that the sky would have listened. He smiled, for once in your life.

"Let's leave this all behind."

Plasmodium Structure Malaria

Katyn Continues

Today, a known way, a bit photo-like how it looked in the spring and summer of 2010.