this fungus are scared all the game
is whitish, may be slightly greenish, if someone does not know exactly how parasol looks like a kite can confuse it with the fly agaric Trichinellosis, although he does not like. Easier still confuse me with the pigeon (green surojadkÄ…) - very tasty mushroom fried in a pan. There is sometimes confused with the sromotnikami (shameless smrodliwym, shame ...). Sromotniki, although it looks like the name differently. Phallus-shaped. They can smell carrion awful. Stinkhorn in turn, may be confused with the edible mushroom spring - morels, apparently very tasty (not eat), so that the morel has a similar shape.
Then we will know that it m uchomor sromo tnikowy ?
always has white gills under the cap, the typical white bulbous stalk at the base of the vagina, often with a white collar, so you should pull the whole stem from the earth, to make sure the hat has a white ring, somewhat similar to what is a kite, but it smells completely different slightly sweet.
At the slightest doubt not collect like mushrooms, if you're not skilled mushroom pickers, but the mushrooms only with someone who is familiar with the mushrooms, do not collect mushrooms with gills underneath the cap.
How does poisoning mushroom - fly agaric Trichinellosis?
After a few hours after eating a stone very severe diarrhea and vomiting, debilitating body. This condition requires hospitalization. The strongest poison of Amanita sromotnikowego is protein - oligopeptides d amanityna.
Unfortunately this truc izna does not spread during cooking or frying.
is absorbed in the system tract into the body. Builds in the cell proteins and destroys the possibility of r eplikowania the RNA chain. First destroy the bodies, the cells rapidly re plikujÄ…, or liver, then kidney. The first symptoms of diarrhea, it may take several hours, you can would think that to recover, nothing more wrong. The toxin destroys liver quietly. With time, there is all the effects of liver and kidney failure. The presence of toxins can be found in specialist examines operatives. This study should be made to any person zat rutej mushrooms. Failure of treatment within 36 hours can provide a complete toxin getting ready to perform to the tissues where it is difficult to remove. There is no 100% method to amanityna. In the first stage of intoxication shall be such Activated charcoal, which is partly zneutral and loves toxin, but t nly in the gastrointestinal tract. It was also a certain percentage Penic yliny capable of bonding with amanityna. Dialysis is also done. When all this did not help the patient in a coma liver and die.
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