Mis3u Chaos King 1-0 0-1
Played on Oct 28th at playchess.com, 16 minutes per player per game.
The deciding moment of the battle happens at the move in 1920, when I Black decides to give up his queenside pawns (he could've Held onto Them .. Qc8 to 20th) and shifting all the power his furnace launch an attack on White's kingside, Which May look Weakened as the g2 bishop is gone. White's plan is to eat the Black queenside pawns and try to resist Black's attack, then advance his connected passed queenside pawns up the board. As it turns out the cost of the Black's assault is too high for him, especially after the knight sacrifice on move 22, which opens the g-file for his forces, but only temporarily as White is able to put his knight on g3 to block it again. A short moment of danger of mate in one after 26...Qh3 is quickly dismissed by the precise operation of moving the White Queen to d5 with a check and then to h1, from where it defends all the previously endangered squares. At this point white queenside pawn march cannot be stopped, and white would've won easily even without the subsequent blunders by Black.
Partia rozegrana 28 pazdziernika 2007 na playchess.com , 16 min czasu dla kazdego gracza na partie.
deciding moment of the movement takes place in 1920, when my opponent playing Black decides to abandon the black pawns on the queenside (could it be traffic stop defending the Queen c8) in exchange for a commitment of forces of all his pieces in an attack on the royal, who white side could look like after it weakened when there is no longer on the board of the field Gonca c2. Whites plan to devour every black queenside pawn on the side and withstand enemy attack, then move his connected pawns on the open spaces on the queenside. As it turns out, the price is too high storm for black troops, especially after the knight sacrifice on move 22, which temporarily opens the g white king, which however is soon locked by moving the white knight on g3. A short moment of black threat of mate in one move by move Queen of h3 is quickly dismissed by the precise maneuver white captain first on d5 with the Shah and then the captain h8 Where can defend threatened far field. From this point white pawn march on the queenside-even without these errors the Black party would've won easily.
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