Monday, October 1, 2007

Replacement Towel Bar Ends


Played on Sep25th 2007 at 20 minutes per player per game.
I won this game Mainly Because of the better opening-Black's pieces are active by the move 7, 9 Whereas to move my opponent's bishop can not move c1. White spent result in 8 out of 20 given game minutes to think about his 13th move. His hasty play later leads to 2 Consecutive blunders he moves 21 and 22nd I kept controlling the rest of the game, White tried to attack using his Remaining forces but did not have enough ammunition to break the defense. I missed a nice tactical trick 29th. Bxh6 could've Defended and more accurately in the final phase of the game, nonetheless I felt safe for all the time.

Party on 20min, 25 wrzesnia'07.
Party won mainly thanks to the positional advantage of the better opening-my pieces are active after the move 7, while the white c1 bishop can not move constantly in motion 9. In his crowded position my opponent spent 8 out of 20 minutes to think back on my 1913 move. His later hasty with errors, which resulted in 21 and 22 of the motion, after which remained to me now just to control of the game, an edge. White tried to attack using his remaining life of the soldiers, but they had too little. I have not noticed a clever beat Bishop on h6 in 29 traffic and I could defend itself accurately in the final, but still safe for all the duration of the party.


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