fat diet leaching
leaching fat diet.
Very healthy and safe diet, although demanding to learn what the leaching of fat. How you will gain the knowledge and know the mechanism of the leaching of fat, you'll easily manage leaching the fat from your body.
First of all, we know that fat is responsible for the leaching of the liver and enslaved unhealthy foods for years is simply insufficient. At the beginning of the required cleaning
second issue is the level of insulin in the blood, which is a known problem with many diets eating highly processed foods with high glycemic index (such as when you eat a hamburger or a donut - strawisz it instantly, immediately increase the level of glucose in the blood and start intensive insulin secretion and the problem is ready - read my previous posts on this topic.) Elution
provides drinking so-called fat. cocktail longevity and cranberry water and about 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil per day containing an unprecedented amount of omega-3 fats - is needed to keep weight loss
Try dieting for 2 weeks, although - Urges the author of "fat flushing plan" Ann Louise Gittleman.
The first 2 weeks of dieting to cleanse the liver and its ability to help break down fats. Thanks to lose a lot of stored fat and deposited in the body of water unnecessarily. It can happen that will leave you with much more than a centimeter scale. Fat and water weigh the least.
Water Cranberry - 8 glasses a day. blend of cranberry juice and water provides the leaching of fat and prevents water retention, cleanses the lymphatic system of accumulated waste and also helps in removing cellulite. On bazarku you can buy almost year-round fresh cranberries (20-25 zł per kg). Do not be fooled cranberry sauce with meat in a jar - it contains sugar. Even more do not be fooled by candied cranberries. Half a pound of fresh cranberries is enough for about weekly weight loss. Boil the cranberries rinsed until they break the skin, Wipe through a sieve (I'm doing a kitchen robot) and divide it into 6-7 portions for the whole week. Put in the fridge or pozamrażaj. Each day, remove a portion and dilute with water so as to give rise to 2 liters of fluid. This will be your fat flushing beverage to drink in 1 day.
Cocktail longevity - 2 times daily: upon awakening and before bedtime to aid weight loss, urinary and bring the balance of hormones. Up to 220 g of water, add 1 tablespoon of cranberry tablespoon ground flaxseed.
Following the lead of shopping to buy the only weight loss:
lean protein (up to 220g per day) : all kinds of fish, seafood, lean beef, veal, lamb, chicken or turkey without the skin and whey, tofu (protein speeds up the metabolism by 25% and activates detoxifying enzymes in the liver it), j Ajka (up to 2 per day)
Vegetables - unlimited daily intake - s zparagi, green beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots (a), cucumbers, eggplant, spinach, escaroles, kale and cabbage, mustard leaves, romaine, arugula, endive, parsley, onion, chives, red and green peppers, mushrooms, olives (three), radish, mung bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, red or green salad with loose heads, zucchini , yellow squash, bamboo sprouts and garlic. It vegetables rich in fiber, the best to lose weight by leaching the fat left the vegetables that are unknown to me, titles unavailable in Poland.
Fruits - 2 full servings a day. Optional: 1 small apple, 1 / 2 grapefruit, 1 small orange, 2 medium plums, 6 large strawberries, 10 large cherries, 1 nectarine, 1 peach, 1 cup berries, blueberries or raspberries. These fruits are rich in enzymes and minerals. Besides, a low glycemic index.
Herbs and spices - according to taste. cayenne pepper, mustard, cinnamon, ginger, dill, garlic, star anise, cloves, bobkowy leaf, seeds and leaves of cilantro, parsley, apple cider vinegar (very important) and cumin. These spices increase the metabolism.
Before breakfast drink a glass of water with the juice of half lemon - it will help speed up the liver and kidneys lose weight.
Simply add to this little exercise - as you do not like sports, at least this hour walk every day along the way to or from work.
To speed up the slimming slimming use natural cosmetics ATW (read my previous posts) that perfectly fit into a healthy and safe fat diet leaching and maintain excellent firm skin while dieting and shrinking of excess skin after weight loss
banned products:
- all fats in addition to the linseed oil,
- caffeine, col, carbonated beverages, alcohol, aspartame and sugar,
- soy sauce, prepared mustard and sauces, all
-grain breads, cereals, starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, peas, carrots, parsnips, pumpkin, squash and beans),
- dairy products: milk, yogurt, cheese. This phase
leaching fat diet should not use people with kidney or liver disease, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people who in the past miewały gastrointestinal disorders, and children under 12