History has it that St. Barbara was the daughter of a wealthy merchant pagan Dioscura of Nikodemii in Asia Minor. Reportedly killed by the sword on 4 December AD 300
Her great devotion from an early age greatly displeased with her father. Thus, if the adult age girls brought it to the governor that this Marcian dissuaded her from the faith and urged to marry a Gentile, whose father chose her husband. Barbara did not give up their faith, which so enraged his father that drew his sword and killed her daughter by cutting head in anger. For this terrible murder on the site was struck by lightning. Barbara was buried in Nikodemii. After years of her head, as relics taken to Rome, where he rested safely for many years. People
midnight decided to snatch her guile and take the territories of today's Sweden. However, when his ship sailed violent storm threw them on the shore of the Kashubian Pomeranian. At that time
right in Kashubia, gave ownership of Pomeranian Duke, anything that rolls on the sea shore. Holy relics of such law. Barbara got up in his hands. As soon as the relics were taken from ship, a very strong wind blew and the ship was on the far waters of the Baltic. Pomeranian Prince
treasure guarded by storing it in various fortified castles in Kashubia. The best kept secret was St. Barbara castle in Sartowicach. The Prince was there, his trusted guardian, who guarded the secret chamber in which the chest was made up of relics. One day the guardian of the church appeared. Barbara. It was the night of 3 to 4 December 1242 year. Barbara guardian said he wants to go to church to church to Chelmno. Barbara Warden tried to drive from this idea. In vain. Suddenly we heard the sounds of battle. At night, the castle was attacked by the Teutonic Knights under the command of Dietrich von Bernsheima. They dominated the castle without much problem. Killed almost the entire crew, who was surprised in his sleep. Only the few who managed to jump off the walls, survived. It is up to them Świętopełek Prince learns of his loss. Crusaders no problem they came into the secret chamber and took the relics of St. Barbara. The guard, seeing that it will protect the relics, said Knights Commander of the church itself. Barbara yes wanted. Dietrich request immediately met St. Barbara. He took the relics to Chelmno and there celebrated in honor of the church. Barbara solemn procession and mass. It was exactly 4 December. Then for safety
relics kept in the fortress Starogród, where he quickly became the object of worship of many pilgrims. It was issued in a niche of the castle church, so they could watch her pious pilgrims. Many of them have experienced the miraculous power and healing. Over time, the Holy. Barbara was the patron saint of the land. Her prayers were built in all the needs of residents. Especially in periods of drought. During the wars
relics were transported to Malbork. In 1457 Prussian Towns Association decided to move the relics of St. Barbara of St. Mary's Church in Gdansk. The place where the fort stood a great oak tree grew Starogród, which was carved the image of St. Barbara. This oak was revered by local people. Let cac let the oak itself became the subject of worship Bishop Tiedemann Ghiese had it cut, burn and scatter the ashes in the air. At this point it is today, a small chapel with a painting of St.. Barbara. Likewise, one of the aisles in the church named after St. Chelmno. Barbara.
legend based on the book by Roman Apollinaris Reglińskiego Legends Test category ed. Region Gdynia 2002