Mis3u-Beloborodov 1-0
Sep24th Played on '07 at playchess.com, 20 minutes per player per game.
My extra advantage in this game was the time at Which it was played-it was only in Brooklyn but 9pm 3am in Budapest Where My opponent was from-3am for most people is not the best time to keep your mind alert. I'd say the key weaknesses in Black's play were:
a) the kingside pawn advancement- that's the side on which he castled- it was a game with the opposite side castling- he should have pushed the pawns on the other side of the board, where my king was
b) lack of the queenside piece development- he brings his c8 bishop into play at move 13, when he is already down a pawn, all the bishop does at this point is just watching the frail kingside pawn structure collapse. His b8 knight moves for the first time at move 20- he makes one more move and resigns.
White pieces, on the other hand, are much more active- by the move 11 they're all out on the battlefield and the rooks are castled on the back rank, ready to roll. Had I seen the move 14.Qh6 I should've triumphed sooner, but I was confident with my choice seeing the winning path along the lines it went-penetrating the kingside with my pieces as his queenside forces were unable to join the defense in time.
Party on playchess.com 20min, 24 September '07.
I had the advantage in this game already on the start-up in Brooklyn was only 9 pm, and Budapest, where he was my opponent, was 3 in the morning .. about the time most of the minds does not use his full power ... major weaknesses, which I see here blacks in the game:
a) pushed the pawn of the King and not by the Queen-roszowalismy in this party of the opposite-he should not weaken the defense ranks in front of his king, he should be approaching it in the direction of my king his pawns
b) figure from the Queen at all, did not participate in the game-runner with c8 until after the 1913 movement, when black losers already a pawn, the only thing at this stage, the runner could do, just watching the scatter strained defense structure against the king of checkers , Knight went to his place until starter in 20 traffic-he makes a move and resigns.
On the other hand, white shapes are much more active after the 11-movement are all already well-established on the battlefield, from the towers-tanks ready to fragile fracture resistance of the enemy. Not spotted in 14 motion, the captain can go to h6, victory would be faster, but I was convinced at this stage, the game unfolds according to the script, which later came-penetration tej polowy szachownicy, gdzie byl krol- figury z drugiej strony szachownicy nie byly w stanie zdazyc na czas z pomoca w obronie.