Bonofox-Mis3u 0:1
Bonofox-Mis3u 0:1, played on 08.20.07, blitz game(5min).
In most cases speed chess games don't have much of an instructional value due to more messy play and random moves...I chose to publish this one because during the game I was satisfied to see that my long-term planning worked; I gained an advantage due to my opponent's slight inaccuracies and was later able to convert it into the winning ending, which doesn't always work like that especially with four rooks left on the board in a blitz game. By long-term planning I don't mean that I saw the position dozen moves ahead-I think hardly anyone can accurately Predict That, the point is rather to drive the game Towards the position with pieces Placed on the Favorable squares, something you visualize and desire-in this case, Doubling opponent's isolated pawns on the c-file , and later attack the pawn on Both wings are Fully engage all white's forces in the defense were the key factors Contributing to the final wines. A win worth NOTING-against a player rated 250 points Higher Than Me.
In most cases, 5-minute rapid chess you do not have a high value instructional, often due to ill game and multiplying random movements ... those parties have chosen for publication, because of this, the field has developed exactly as a planned to a its course, after obtaining the advantage resulting from the minor inaccuracies I brought the enemy moves to the winning position for me in the end, which does not always work, especially in fast blitzach with four towers still remaining on the board. By planning I do not have in mind that the exact situation I saw a dozen moves ahead, little one who is unable to do so, in order to predict, I mean, rather, with the ability to guide the game towards the desired position with a favorable distribution of forces on the board-including first case of duplication of single pieces of column C (do not know exactly how this is called in Polish in chess terminology) and later march stones on two fronts in order to fully squeeze out all the enemy forces to the defense, were the main czynnikami zwyciestwa. Zwyciestwa wartego odnotowania, bo odniesionego wobec przeciwnika o rankingu wyzszym o 250 punktow wyzszym niz moj.